Welcome New Pharmacies!

We're secure. ShopRx encrypts your information as it is transmitted over the Internet and we verify all pharmacies and wholesalers are properly licensed to conduct business in their state. This ensures you are getting safe, top quality pharmaceuticals at fantastic prices.

There are no fees for pharmacies to join ShopRx and when purchasing products on our site!

  • 1Business Info
  • 2Contact Info
  • 3License Info
  • 4Finish

Business & Billing Info

Business Info

Please tell us about your organization.

Pharmacy Delivery Address

Contact Info & User Login Info

Contact Info

Please tell us about your self.

User Login

License Info

License Info

Your Business License Number and License expiration are required.

Refer Code Info

We will need a copy of your pharmacy license, DEA registration certificate and NPI number to process your application. You can upload these documents in .GIF, .JPG, JPEG, .PDF, .DOC and .DOCX format. If you do not have your documents scanned at this time we'll contact you for copies.


Registration was Successful

we will review your details and send you email confirmation as soon as possible.

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